Adaptation & Mitigation, Mutual Trust
12” x 12”
Polymer, Thread, Typewriter
Collection Summary
The “Adaptation & Mitigation” Collection explores themes associated with environmental conservation. If we refuse to acknowledge the data documented in the Paris Climate Agreement, we will lose the right and opportunity cherish and study these preserved artifacts.
The Paris Climate Agreement, typed into this work
“Parties recognize that the current need for adaptation is significant and that greater levels of mitigation can reduce the need for additional adaptation efforts, and that greater adaptation needs can involve greater adaptation costs.”
12” x 12”
Polymer, Thread, Typewriter
Collection Summary
The “Adaptation & Mitigation” Collection explores themes associated with environmental conservation. If we refuse to acknowledge the data documented in the Paris Climate Agreement, we will lose the right and opportunity cherish and study these preserved artifacts.
The Paris Climate Agreement, typed into this work
“Parties recognize that the current need for adaptation is significant and that greater levels of mitigation can reduce the need for additional adaptation efforts, and that greater adaptation needs can involve greater adaptation costs.”